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PRH (Kepribadian dan Relasi Antar Manusia) merupakan sarana untuk pengembangan pribadi bagi orang dewasa dan dewasa muda.
Kami menawarkan berbagai program untuk individu dan kelompok yang ingin meningkatkan aktualisasi diri dan berkontribusi kepada masyarakat.
Situs web ini tertulis dalam Bahasa Inggris agar dapat dibaca oleh pengunjung mancanegara. Namun, kegiatan PRH Indonesia diadakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau terkadang dwibahasa dengan Bahasa Inggris. Bila ada pertanyaan, silahkan hubungi kami secara langsung.
Informasi lebih lanjut dalam Bahasa Indonesia dapat dilihat di:
Personality and Human Relations (Personnalité et Relations Humaines - PRH) is an international foundation for personal development for adults and young adults. We offer educational programs to individuals and groups who wish to increase their self-actualization and live their specific contribution to society.
PRH has experience for more than 50 years and in more than 30 countries at the service of human wellbeing.
The PRH approach aims to help each person grow in self-awareness and autonomy, in order to be more able to face challenges in life, to enhance one’s quality of life, and to relate better personally and professionally. Individuals are facilitated by an internationally licensed educator/facilitator through workshops, personal accompaniment, group accompaniment, and growth programs. The method is experiential – you are invited to experience it directly, and gain tools for self-development.
The PRH formation is oriented on the growth of the person, it is not a therapy. Our aim is to help people to live the best version of themselves.
How to start with the PRH formation?
You can start with:
Short modules can range from 3 to 12 hours (across several days). They can be joined without any preliminary requirements. We offer a diverse range of topics.
Intensives workshops range from 2 to 5 days (most commonly 4 days). We offer a diverse range of workshops and programs that cover all sorts of topics. Entry level workshops can be attended without preliminary requirements. Advanced workshops are available for those who have followed the “Who Am I” workshop or other workshops as indicated.
The individual helping relationship is a one-on-one meeting oriented to the needs of the person. The client can choose what to work on. For example, the client might want to further develop his/her capacities or to overcome difficulties in daily life.
Taylor-made activities for institutions or groups A custom-made training can be developed and offered for a group of maximum 15 persons based on the specific needs of the group. The training can range from half-day events to 4-day intensives and everything in between according to the topic and the group’s circumstances.
The PRH-International Books are other means to progress. Some books are focused on the PRH explanatory system. Other books invite the reader to practice the approach in their daily life.
Our educators and facilitators are professionals at your service! They have received intense formation programs and continuous training, recognized by PRH-International. They are licensed for the training programs and accompaniment they offer.
Intensive workshop
Intensive workshop
Intensive workshop
Intensive workshop
Intensive workshop
Intensive workshop
Intensive workshop
Intensive workshop
Short module
Short module
Short module
Short module
In our work, we prioritize:
We believe that every person is indwelt by a growth dynamism
them to actualize themselves and their potential.
Committing with others in constructive activities intensifies a
development, their effectiveness, and innovation for society.
PRH has vast experience in a method to awaken the best of persons for in-depth, long-lasting transformation. We utilize: