This is the story about my personal growth in the solidity of my being. It is my true story of how I made it through the rain.

Have you heard this Mariah Carey’s Song?

And when the wind blows, As shadows grow close.

Don't be afraid, There's nothing you can't face.

And should they tell you, You'll never pull through.

Don't hesitate, Stand tall and say.

I can make it through the rain, I can stand up once again.

On my own and I know, That I'm strong enough to mend.

And every time I feel afraid, I hold tighter to my faith.

And I live one more day, And I'll make it through the rain.


That is my favorite song. Why? Because I have experienced it!


The year 2021 was hard for me. On March 16, 2021, both of my parents passed away. They died on the same day. My father died in peace at 7.05 am and my mother died at 7.05 pm. Everyone saw the proof of their True Love until the end of life.


They lost their lives to covid-19. I had had no time to rest for 3 weeks since the day I brought them to the hospital. Due to limited ICU spaces for covid-19 infection, my parents had to be admitted to different hospitals. I was running to and for taking care of them. I had no choice but to leave my young teenage children alone at home, contacting them every single hour. At the end, I had to take care of all the arrangements for my mother and father so that they could be buried in the same cemetery.


That was a time of huge adaptation for me. Not only had I lost my parents on the same day, but I also had more responsibilities at my office and at home I had to manage everything as a single mother without the support from my parents. At the same time, I was training to be a PRH Professional. I was preparing to give my first intensive 4-day workshop to obtain my full license as a PRH educator. Everything was happening at once.


How I made it through that period of my life feels like a huge miracle. There was a transcendent dimension alive in me. My faith and silent surrender helped me. I clearly feel that I gained solidity in my being through this hard time. My experiences in PRH helped me get through and grow.


During those emergency situations I consulted my deep conscience for everything, even if I could only take a very short pause. I fully discerned my decisions. I always made the effort to connect to all of my realities: my mind, my sensibility, my body and my being, in relation to my human and material environment. Therefore, every decision strengthened me, even when the situation was bad. I could accept all my realities.


Up to now, when I remember that difficult period in my life, I am amazed of how the fruits of my growth helped me to stand up on my own rock of being. I sense faith, love, patience, wisdom, calm, simplicity and authenticity, covered by warm joy. All those aspects strengthened me in daily life, shaping me into a resilient human being.


Now I can see that my capacity to be true to who I am, my capacity to accompany persons and my capability to accept others sincerely in all my condition and others’ conditions clearly came from my pure love that surrenders to transcendence in silence. Through these difficult experiences, I became myself, and I know that I'm strong enough. I have PRH to help me. My being has been rocked, but not only have I survived, but I have grown along the way to a more meaningful life.


Hard knocks can help us build ourselves. When faced with hard knocks, we do what we can with the strengths we have. But it is good to know that they can be constructive and not always demolish us. It is by knowing how to take the blows and derive benefits from them that aspects of our being, which were still asleep, can be liberated, and that our personality can construct itself and develop. (Andre Rochais)

You need to know who you are to make it through the rain.


Anastasia Retno Pujiastuti/ PRH Educator