Intensive Workshops

Intensives workshops range from 2 to 5 days (most commonly 4 days). We offer a diverse range of workshops and programs that cover all sorts of topics. Entry level workshops can be attended without preliminary requirements. Advanced workshops are available for those who have followed the "Who Am I" workshop or other workshops as indicated.

18 workshops available

Entry Level
Exploring the Powerful Dynamism of the Personality
Entry Level
Key phenomena for efficiency, creativity and meaning in the workplace
Entry Level
Exploring the growth dynamism and what hinders it through creative expression
Entry Level
The Basic Needs of the Child for Development
The method of analysis of sensations – Level 1
The different functionings of the person
Recognition of different types of relationships and egocentric movements
Developing affective maturity
Means and attitudes for personal development
An effective method for personal discernment
Apprenticeship in being accompanied
Apprenticeship in accompanying others
Growth consistent with all dimensions of the being
Transference and counter-transference phenomena
Entry Level
How the body contributes to unifying the whole person
Further integration of the PRH helping relationship method
Orienting your life according to your main potentialities
Experiences that are expansive to life and their impact on personal growth